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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Epic eat the fridge low brought to you by my sponsor diabetes

Eat the fridge low. Awesome. I ate about 20 crackers, drank a juice box, tried some chocolate and it tasted like poo, some easter candy whoppers mini egg things, yeah easter candy you heard right, some black olives and then my bro brought me and my husbands caramel apples from the fair and I inhaled it. Now to wait for the hellatious spike. Ahhh Diabetes, its moments like this that make me hate you. The moments that make my brain think that if I dont eat all things with carbs I will die. Not really carbs that make sense but crazy wierd craving carbs. I mean black olives really, wierd. I ate them and they tasted even better than normal thanks to the stupid crazy low. Im just glad it happened now while Im awake and I didnt get drenched in sweat like I just ran 10 miles. So now my stomach feels like crud. Yippee! Stupid eat the fridge lows. Side note, I only caught this low because of my Dexcom!  I LOVE YOU DEXCOM!!

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