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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Im pretty sure I hit the Diabetes Lottery JACKPOT!

So after obtaining a small fortune in medical bills from having a baby months ago and meeting my deductible and out of pocket max, I am covered at 100% for the REST OF THE YEAR!  Yeah I could do a back flip I am so excited, well if I could do a back flip without killing myself or landing on my head!  So I ordered 3 months of Dexcom sensors, my new T Slim insulin pump, supplies, tapes, you name it, I ORDERED IT! I have figured I will probably get about $8-10,000 dollars worth of Pump and Sensor related items for the rest of the year, that's full price figures not what I would actually end up paying! That is AWESOME!!  For the first time in my Diabetic life I can say that I LOVE MY HEALTH INSURANCE company for the most part...we just wont talk about the insanely high monthly premium I pay or the whopping big bills I still have!

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