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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Nathan from Tandem Diabetes, YOU ARE AWESOME!

So I got my "care package" from Nathan the territory manager for my area from Tandem Diabetes and it felt like freaking CHRISTMAS getting all this awesome stuff for my NEW T SLIM insulin pump that I get to start TOMORROW!!!   I asked for a few things from him and this is what he sent me!!  I had it sent to my work, so that is why this picture is on my desk.

  • Five screen covers
  • Three USB cables
  • Two wall power adapters
  • Two car usb power adapters
  • One t:pack
  • One t:case ( it is big but I must say it will be nice to have in the car to hold all spare parts, glucose, fruit snacks, test strips, lancets, infusion sets, tapes, wipes, alcohol wipes, the kitchen sink, print out of current pump settings, and not have to carry that crap on me all the time)
  • Eight t:clips
  • Two cartridge removal thingies
  • One box of barrier wipes
  • One t:slim user guide
I'm pretty sure that Medtronic would NEVER NEVER send me this much stuff and let alone at no cost. This is so far my best experience working with a different and new pump company...lets hope it continues and so far from what I hear in the Facebook Tslim group they are doing everything they can to accommodate people who have had any issues with their pumps .THIS is what those of us battling this disease NEED, awesome customer service.  None of us have time to deal with bull crap from a company that we paid thousands of dollars (granted my insurance paid 100% for mine) for a piece of equipment that basically holds our LIVES in its little mechanical hand.

TOMORROW I start the new pump and then THEN I will be able to let you know what it is really like.  So far just setting it up, it was awesome so many more options and settings and alarms.  Anyone with Diabetes knows how important reminders are and alarms....we all ALL forget to take our insulin from time to time because that's life, its busy non stop.  I have a 6 month old baby, two dogs, five cats (three were rescued from starvation on my street and yes I am crazy I know my brothers lovingly refer to me as the crazy cat lady and my husband just calls me crazy), a 100+ year old house, my 1971 Dodge Dart Swinger that needs constant care, and a spouse in my life.  My house/life is a ZOO and I LOVE IT and wouldnt have it any other way!

You best be leaving me a comment Nathan!  =D 

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