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Monday, September 9, 2013

Health insurance issues just never stop boggeling my mind

So I am online on my health insurance's website looking at my claims.  I do not see the bill for my t:slim pump or three boxes of Dexcom sensors.  Ok, freak out moment, this is a lot of money just hanging out in limbo.   I do NOT want to end up with the bill for this on my lap since my out of pocket expense for all of this was suppose to be $0.00  So I call Edgepark Medical Supplies to see what in the world is going on. 
  • My health insurance says they never received the bill?! Wait a minute, WHAT?!
Jeesh so did they not send it or did my insurance really not get it?  Why are we still paper mailing medical bills anyway?  How in the world in today time do they not just submit electronically?  Its scary to think my bill is out there somewhere within the postal system with all my personal information on it and who knows where it is....  Scary. 

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