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Friday, September 27, 2013

The cost of being Diabetic

So just for fun here are some figures. 

Before health insurance three THREE bottles of Humalog cost 526.90

Before health insurance 300 test strips cost 354.97

I paid $50.00 

This is for every single month of the year!  

So every year I pay $600.00 for these two things and without insurance they would be $10,582.44

Let me restate that $10,582.44

These are not things I can skip or just take whenever I feel like it or have symptoms, its every day.

How does anyone without health insurance SURVIVE? 

Can anyone explain to me how these companies can do this? We need this stuff to survive and yet without insurance there is no way I could afford either of these things. 

This is insanity.  $10,582.44 seriously?  

Where can I get a refund, I would like to return or exchange it for something less expensive, I think I have buyers remorse!  =D 

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