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Monday, September 16, 2013

Tremendous strides in Diabetes treatment!

They are making some tremendous strides in Diabetes treatments! 2017 is the goal for the bionic pancreas to be fda approved! I am looking forward to this glimmer of light in the tunnel of Diabetes for sure! http://diatribe.org/issues/57/learning-curve

This is something that really excites me and I cant even begin to express how wonderful this would be for us all. 
My NUMBER ONE hope is that this is made affordable and insurance companies will cover it.  If the cost goes much higher than a regular insulin pump and you have a 20% copay like I do, a price tag of $10,000 would make me have to pay $2000.00.  Thats a huge amount of money when you are already paying over $11300 a year plus copays for your family to have health insurance at all!  I can't afford my health care coverage as it is now BUT I also cannot go without it!  
The fact that this study uses the t:slim pump says enough to me!  WAY to go TSLIM and your stand on advancing the standard of care for us Diabetics!!  

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