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Friday, October 25, 2013

Did you know that some glucometers can test if your soda/pop is diet or not?

If your meter will cooperate, if it is diet it will say lo or error.  If it is not diet it will register a blood sugar reading.  Just a little tid bit of information I know some people are not aware of. 

Leave me a comment if this has helped you!  I still feel like I am talking to a wall, I would love to hear from some of you!  OK I am begging.  PLEEEEZE.  =D  


  1. Just found your blog, this is an awesome tip! I'm going to try my One Touch Link meter with diet coke. I always carry urine test strips to check my sodas!

  2. I have tested this before and it works! I found out the hard way, when my Dex (when I was wearing it for a clinical trial) was showing that I was in the 300's with double arrows up! So next time my DH got a regular soda, I tried testing it on my meter and it said, HIGH. Well, I don't actually drink any soda anymore, diet or regular, so it's not an issue, but it DOES work to test it on your meter!


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