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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween, my birthday, candy tempations, my daughters first Halloween.....

Today has many labels for me.

  1. My birthday
  2. Halloween candy torturous temptations
  3. My daughters first Halloween
  4. Carb carbs carbs
  5. Finishing up an awesome project
  6. Discount codes for you, yeah YOU reading this!  =D
Halloween can still be fun when you are Diabetic.  It just takes a lot more work and strength to not eat a bunch of junk. 

Its my birthday, I am a year older and another year without any Diabetic related complications.  This is such an awesome accomplishment!  I try my hardest to keep my disease in check and I am so proud to say that so far I have kept away any complications.

My daughters first Halloween is today, she is still a baby but its an exciting first milestone.  I am so excited to show people her costume! 

Last night I performed a bathroom surgery on my foot (Mollys term) and got a stupid ingrown toe nail out of my toe.  Bad toe nail.  I dont know why my toe nail has to misbehave.  I had a few fellow Diabetics tell me I should probably see a podiatrist.  I am not stoked about that.  Just thinking about them cutting part of my nail off makes me want to puke.  Yeah I can darn near dig to china in my foot and many other things I shouldn't have done but cutting my nail off, yuck, makes me want to puke.  Weird right?  So far my feet are ok, but what if in the future I dont feel that nail growing into my toe, yeah that would result in some major problems.  So I suppose I should go to the foot doctor.  Yeesh.

Today I put the finishing touches on some AWESOME EXCITING upcoming news I have to share with you all.  No, I am not pregnant! LOL!

I am so freakin excited about this news, I am very nearly ready to burst at the seems to tell you all.

I got a couple more discount codes from companies to help you all save money.  I am all about helping other Diabetics.  There are too many of us out there that still need help and it really bothers me.

I would love to go to school to become a CDE, but that is so not happening.  I really love my current job working with my dad.  

I talked to the owner of PortaPocket ™, she is awesome and is going to write something up about her company for me to share with you all.  I am getting some of her stuff to try and tell you all about since you know I love to wear my pump and dexcom reciever on my ankle.  Dude I need my pockets to use as pockets and my bra to use as well, my bra.  So other options are a must for me!

Ok so that is enough rambling for one day.

Leave me a comment or two, would ya.  Yeah I am still begging. 

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Megan!! SOOO great to speak with you and yes, I am getting some of my PortaPocket goodies rustled up for you ...and a discount code too...will share soon. :)
    Would love to write a little piece for you as well ..it's on the list... ☺
    YES. I believe our collective mission is to help people help themselves in whatever way possible, via information, useful products and ideas, etc. Sharing makes the world a better place. Bless you and all you do! Enjoy your day and happy Halloween! xox -- @PortaPocketGal


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