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Thursday, October 10, 2013

My current Dexcom has been on for 28 days, yes I said 28 days!

Ok so the Dexcom is only FDA approved for 7 days, so PLEASE do not take my experiences for things you should do or try.

My current sensor has been on for 28 days, and it is STILL ACCURATE!!


That is just insane, it is so freakin amazing that it is insane!  The Opsite flexifix is barely hanging onto me but the fact that it is still there is shocking.  I will try to get a pic later on before I rip it off.  The flopping tape is starting to drive me a bit cooky.  I just left it on to see just how far I could stretch it.

This sensor has caught numerous lows, one at 3 AM this morning, last night after vacuuming, and many other times.  My dexcom is my lifeline.  I cannot live without this thing, ever, ever again in my life!

Some people ask how I can carry another stupid diabetic device, but you know as dumb as it sounds the trade off is worth the hassle and it wont be a hassle forever (the tslim and dexcom combo pump IS COMING along with Animas).  I cant live without this data, for the days I might have it off for one day, I dont check my blood sugar, I totally forget.  My dexcom keeps me vigilant and on task and I need that thing to scream at me when I am high or low so I can take corrective measures!

So if you are Diabetic yourself and need something to keep you on track and not have a person sitting there judging you by 4 or 5 finger sticks a day, GET A DEXCOM!!!  It shows the whole picture, you just dont know what you are missing when you only poke your finger a few times a day!

People who tell me they only check their blood sugar once or twice a day make me cringe.  You could be doing so much damage and not know it because two finger sticks is not showing you half the picture. 

One of my uncles and one of my cousins' got a Dexcom after my praising and preaching about its awesomeness and they love it too!  If either of you are reading this, leave a comment and share your life changing experience with the Dexcom!  PLEASE!

Here are the pics of my old sensor that I took off last night! Its barely being held on, but I still had to pull it off.  28 days old!  Insane!

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