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Friday, October 11, 2013

The new health care law explained or how I understand it

So this is how I understand the new health care laws as explained by our agent.

If your employer offers you health insurance and pays more than 50% you are not eligible for tax credits if you buy a plan from the www.healthcare.gov website

If your employer offers health care to your spouse or family and pays part of the premium you are not eligible for tax credits.  If they do not offer to cover any of the premium they are eligible for the tax credits.

Deductibles and co-pays now all must go towards your out of pocket max.

Income guidelines are based on family size and family modified adjusted gross income (MAGI).  Figures from my agent:

I hope this helps someone!  If it has helped you, please leave me a comment, comments are what keeps me blogging, otherwise I kind of feel like I am talking to a wall.  =D

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