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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I just saw the JDRF Gala Video from June and it made me cry.

This video is a much watch.


Have tissues ready for the tears.

A lot of people post a lot of videos on facebook and watch them and share them on their pages. None of those videos are something that portrays a type one diabetic like this does and I bet no one will share this video. Some people would rather stick their head in the sand and not help get the correct info out about Type 1 Diabetes or toss any support or compassion my way or any type one diabetics way, we often feel like outcasts. I dont want pity, just some support would be nice. Anything Cancer related gets blasted everywhere but not Diabetes. This disease has the potential to take my life every single day. Share this video on your facebook page and I will forever be grateful.

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