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Saturday, November 2, 2013

My flashlight

Dexcom. You are my flashlight.

Dexcom is my light I carry through the long dark tunnel of Diabetes.

Dexcom is my one little bit of hope I have for better treatments and an artificial pancreas ( pump cmg combo that self regulates, like the one the University of VA is working on ).

Dexcom is like my left hand, I am left handed, I couldnt function without it.

Dexcom is the thing that screams at me after Ive forgotten my insulin....hey you, yeah you human being, your bg is spiking, double arrows up, you forgot your insulin.

Dexcom is the thing I cannot function without, take my pump but not Dex.

Dexcom is the thing that helps me make better food choices because it keeps me responsible for my blood sugar. If I eat some junk food, I have to realize that Dex will see it and yell at me for it. I try my hardest to keep Dex from screaming at me.

Dexcom helps me figure out what foods do what to me and how fast. This is priceless information, for me or any type one diabetic.

Dexcom saves my life at night when I go low and dont wake up to realize it.  It wakes me up, I keep in in my pillow case under my head.

Dexcom keeps me able to care for my child when I am home alone with her.

Dexcom lets me know when my cleaning fiasco makes me drop so fast I dont notice.

Dexcom lets me know when my yard working crazy self is crashing and too busy to notice.

Dexcom. You are my flashlight.

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