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Saturday, November 16, 2013

New faster insulin hurry up and get to the market

My endo said that a new faster acting and faster ending insulin is being developed. Which one is that, do you guys know?

I need this insulin. Humalog and Novolog just dont work fast enough and they last too long in my system.

I am so sick of lows. My endo said I am just super sensitive to insulin, as in activity and the newer faster one will really help me.

Hurry up already.

13 years of crazy stupid lows is enough.

Im so ready to be done with low after low.

Im so ready to be less worried about going low, what will cause me to go low, doing the things I like to do outside without carrying a month supply of juice boxes, glucose tablets and trying to figure out ways to not go low. Having people be unable to understand my situation...Im just so ready to be done with activity induced lows.

Its funny that I talk about lows right now when Im stuck with high blood sugar. Ironic.

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