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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

One lucky winner will get a JoeyBra FREE read how to enter. -Contest Ended.

JoeyBra has agreed to do a Holiday Giveaway for you, readers of my Blog!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  • Please enter your info into the drawing in the box above 
  • The info you entered  is sent directly to JoeyBra, not me, I do not know who you are, your email or anything else.  =D

JoeyBra will give away one JoeyBra Sport to one lucky Diabetic to use to hold their pump, CGM, iPod, cell phone or whatever you choose.

I personally would love this sport bra for sleeping in, as I currently wear my pump in a sports bra at night to keep it near my ears so I hear alarms and to keep from getting tangled in my tubing.  The one thing I dont like about it being in my sports bra at night is that it flops around and sometimes comes out in my sleep.


I would also like this for the times I go for a walk and don't have big enough pockets or no pockets.  This bra would also be really nice to carry around glucose tablets since they are flat and would not stick out.


JoeyBra states:

What fits in a JoeyBra?

  • The JoeyBra Fashion can store a phone, credit card, spare cash ID, key, or any other small item.
  • The JoeyBra Sport can store a phone, ID, credit card, key, or other small items.
What should I do if the bra doesn't fit?

  • Simply exchange it for the right size by following our instructions for returns.
How do I return my JoeyBra?

Why would I want a JoeyBra?
  • Do you frequently travel, run, or attend events where a purse isn’t convenient? The JoeyBra allows you to carry your valuables with you while you are on the go. JoeyBra aims to provide a secure, discrete, and fashionable solution.

How many pockets does the JoeyBra have?
  • Fashion bra: two pockets
  • Sports Bra: two zippered pockets
Do I have to worry about my items getting wet?
  • The Sports Bra pockets are lined with a water-resistant liner that will protect your items from sweat & water damage.
How water-resistant is the sports bra pocket?
  • The pocket endures normal conditions of sweat or harsh weather. We do not recommend submerging the pocket in water when electronics are inside. JoeyBra is not liable for any items that undergo water damage.
JoeyBra will be doing the drawing to be assured a randomly selected winner will be chosen.  The winner will be announced on December 2nd and that person will then send their contact info to JoeyBra and they will mail it to you direct.

So please like my page and leave me a comment as to how this bra would help you, or tweet my @T1DWarrior  and tell me how this would help you also! 

I have been in contact with Mariah and she has been really quite awesome to email back and forth!!

JoeyBra, a Seattle, WA based company, was founded in 2012 by Mariah Gentry and Kyle Bartlow. They first met when they were juniors at the University of Washington. As recent graduates, they are taking on JoeyBra as their full-time focus.

Inspired by UW's vibrant Greek system, JoeyBra was created for women who are constantly on the go and struggle to find a place to put their ID, keys, or phones. JoeyBra allows women to carry their valuables with them no matter where they go or what activities they choose to participate in. Leaving these items at home may not only be inconvenient but it may pose a safety risk. With JoeyBra, women will never have to worry about losing or damaging their valuables again.

For more information or answers to your questions, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Great contest! When does it start?

  2. That would be great to get off my hop when I do long runs

  3. I would love one of these for my pump.

  4. This would be so much nicer that just clipping it on and hoping it doesn't fall off.

  5. This would be so helpful when I bike with my family to hold my insulin pump. We are having our second kid this December and I cannot wait to get back on my bike to get back in shape.
    Cassie Barnett

  6. This would be great to lighten the load on the belt from pump, meter, cgm, glucose tablets and water!!

  7. I want have this one becouse I'm dancer and I have T1 diabetes.I'm using it for my long term trainings and competition.


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