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Friday, December 6, 2013

AFFORDABLE? Healthcare where are you?

SO after 1.5 months of TRYING to apply for health coverage for my husband and daughter on healthcare.gov I just deleted our application and started over.  It took me maybe 10 minutes and then BOOM......DENIED a tax credit!

HAHAHA this is GREAT!  Stupid, its stupid.  We are below the income of a family of three that all the websites say and DENIED!  We have paid $19,000 in medical bills this year and I we were denied.  That's fabulous, I cant think of a better way to start out my Friday.

Called our insurance agent and PRAYING to GOD she can find us a cheaper plan. 

Our current plan will be $600/mo for my husband and baby!  REALLY?!   That is not affordable.  I have no way of paying that, no way.

I am trying so very hard to give it to God and trust in him.  Something has got to work out to be cheaper.  IT HAS TO!

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