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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thank you Dexcom for again saving me.

Thank you Dexcom for telling me my blood sugar was low just now. It said I was 83 and dropping so I checked and I was 54. 

I had no clue. Not a single one.  No sweat, no shaking, no funny feelings.  Nada.

I probably wouldn't have known until I was in the 30-40 range with this fast of a crash without my Dexcom. I dont know about you all but a low of 30-40 makes me want to eat everything in sight and feel like dog poo.

Thanks to my way over judgement of carbs this morning. So thankful for technology and my ability to obtain it and use it.

Now that I am coming up, of course, I feel shaky.  Why does that happen?  

9:22  54
9:47  74 

Great, how long will it take to come up.  Eating another glucose tablet.

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