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Saturday, May 3, 2014

The JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes

Today was our somewhat local JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes at Niabi Zoo in Coal Valley, IL and it was crazy packed! I did not hear the total amount of money raised but I will look Monday to see what its up to. Our team is over $2500 raised and we have six weeks I think, post walk to raise money.
I was disappointed that Greg Dutra wasnt there, we get a photo with him every year. Greg where were you man?
I met up with my Tandem Diabetes rep Nathan again, met the Peoria area rep and the Cedar Rapids JDRF rep, sorry I forgot your name. I know Im terrible. I looked for Kari a bit but didnt see her. She is the Quad Cities JDRF rep.
The walk was great, half my team ended up not being able to make it so that was a bummer but Im just glad to be a part of such a huge fundraising organization to help find better treatments and hopefully a cure one day. My 15 month old daughter had a lot of fun, she got to see all sorts of wild animals at the zoo and stare at them, like what in the heck is that thing? Then she wanted to go pet the Giraffes I think.
Thank you to all of you who gave donations to our team, it means so much to all of us with Type 1 Diabetes.
Jackie thank you for your insane fundraising work.  She raised over 1500 herself! 

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