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Friday, June 19, 2015

The downfall to losing extra weight

Now I have a new problem. I keep bending my infusion sets when they are in my tissue. Im losing extra weight by eating low carb which is great, because all my pre-baby clothes are fitting and I feel great. Now Im having insulin pump site issues. :-( Ive tried steel cannula sets before and they hurt, I have no idea how kids wear them. I just cant do any 90 degree sets.
Maybe Ill try setting them super duper shallow and see what happens.


  1. Not sure which pump you have, but the minimed Quick Sets have an option for a shorter cannula for just that situation. Might be worth checking into.

    1. Thanks for sharing that idea, unfortunately the quick set is a 90 degree set and I bend those faster than anything. I am trying new areas on the sides of my hip/butt area and so far it is working ok, besides the insulin burns like the dickens. I wear a t:slim insulin pump. I also did try putting it in more shallow, yeah that lasted a little over a day, hurt like heck, and the insulin burned too much.

  2. Sure T's! I am thin and these are the only sets that work. Try one and you'll never look back, I promise.

    1. I tried them once before and didn't like them. I dont like the extra stick on patch but maybe I am just being a baby about that part. When I tried them they just kept stabbing me inside, I couldn't even lay on the side they were on or they would poke me. I cant even wear any set on my abdomen at all because they burn like heck the entire time. I must just have extra awesome skin that just hates me wearing a pump, too bad it is my only option for any sort of control of my Diabetes.


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