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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Easy 2-1-1 eggs

For a breakfast that will fill you up and keep you full. Also shared with me in a lchf group.

2 eggs
1oz cream cheese
1 oz shredded cheddar cheese
I also add 1-2 T heavy whipping cream

Soften cream cheese in micro first. Then add all other ingredients ( you can throw in season salt and bacon to make it extra yummy) mix it together, micro for one min, take out stir, micro for another min take out and see if its done to your liking. Keep microwaving it until its done to your preference.

My husband and I eat this every morning. Keeps me full for many hours.
I also add heavy whipping cream to my coffee and it helps me stay full from the fat content. No caeb cravings in the mornings for me anymore!!!  Sugar free torani syrups are the other substitute I use for coffee creamer flavoring.

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