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Friday, July 17, 2015

Raising Diabetes Awareness

Something has got to change.  We have got to get some sort of policy change to state if any child/teenager/adult/elderly patient is showing any signs of Diabetes, they need to be checking each and EVERY one of them.  It literally takes 5 seconds.  If your doctor refuses to check then go to a drug store and buy a blood glucose meter and a bottle of test strips yourself.  Over the counter you can find some very affordable meters, like the Reli On brand from Wal Mart. 

PLEASE PLEASE commit these things to your memory and share this poster on your Facebook page/group/office bulletin board/anywhere!

You can find this poster here: http://www.testonedrop.org/

Children have got to stop dying from being in DKA, it is so very preventable if it would just get caught sooner.

If you are on facebook and want to help get something done to make a change join: UP Rising Against DKA https://www.facebook.com/groups/1594396390844304/

Group Description:
There is a growing angst within the world-wide Type 1 Diabetes community to stop delayed and missed diagnoses of T1D, which often leads to diabetic ketoacidosis. In this spirit, UP Rising Against DKA has been created. "UP Rising Against DKA" stands for United Parents Rising Against Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Let's UNITE against the lack of education and complacency that allows unnecessary life-threatening illnesses, permanent handicaps, and even deaths to continue.

DKA defined:
Diabetic ketoacidosis is a serious complication of diabetes that occurs when your body produces high levels of blood acids called ketones.

Diabetic ketoacidosis develops when your body is unable to produce enough insulin. Insulin normally plays a key role in helping sugar (glucose) — a major source of energy for your muscles and other tissues — enter your cells. Without enough insulin, your body begins to break down fat as an alternate fuel. This process produces a buildup of toxic acids in the bloodstream called ketones, eventually leading to diabetic ketoacidosis if untreated.

If you have diabetes or you're at risk of diabetes, learn the warning signs of diabetic ketoacidosis — and know when to seek emergency care.

You can also change your profile picture to show your support.  http://twibbon.com/support/test-one-drop?fb_ref=Default

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