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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

VIDEO: The Hardest Thing About Diabetes Isn’t What They Think It Is…(sharing this post)

If you have a moment please watch this video, if you have a loved one or a family member with Type 1 Diabetes, please watch this video. 

Kim, your speech was really great, I teared up watching this and I felt every word you spoke.  ( I dont know if you will see that I shared your video or not)  If only everyone else could feel and truly understand the words you spoke.


  1. Just what I needed to hear tonight. I've lived with diabetes for 31 years and have had numerous complications. Right now I am starting to show signs of kidney disease and I hope a professional can help me as I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. My sister is a nurse and is going to the doctor with me. I haven't been taking as good of care of myself as I should but I can work on that. Thanks for sharing the video.

    1. I wish you the best of luck at your appointment. You can get back on track I know you can. It is hard and it is a long battle but you have to do it for yourself, you deserve it! I am glad the video helped you, it helped me and we all need to keep helping each other.


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