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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

16 weeks

I am 16 weeks into my lifestyle change of low carb high fat (lchf) eating no grains, no starch, no real sugar and no fruit (I eat limited fruit).  My A1C in April was 8.0% and this month it is down to 6.9%!  Four months and I am down 1% and my goal is to go to 6.0% by December but hopefully sooner.  The month after my grandmother's passing was rough and I ate a lot of carbs. My A1C isn't where I want it to be but it is the best it has ever been while not pregnant. 

Finding new things to cook seems to be the biggest hurdle but that hurdle is very much worth the effort.  My weight has never been easier to maintain and I am NOT hungry all the time like I was before when I was eating more carbs.  My husband and I are much healthier and feel much better that we did when we would eat food out of a prepackaged box/bag/frozen dinner.  Now that we are eating better and I know there are no chemicals or additives in the food we are eating, I just dont see how I could ever go back without feeling immense guilt and guilt about feeding my 2 year old junk food. My husband even ran a 5k all terrain run last weekend with minimal training ahead of time and did it in 22 minutes!  He attributes his quick time and ease of running to our healthier way of eating now!

Going out to eat can be challenging, I have so far mostly stuck with salads of all kinds... aaaaand steak, gotta love steak. 

My number one tip to staying on track is support.  You gotta find a group or facebook group that follows this diet and ask for help/support/tips/recipes.  Like today a wonderful woman I met in the typeonegrit group shared a bread recipe with me!  I will gladly share it with you all!  I am missing bread something fierce so I am going to try this recipe as soon as I get time! 


The breadsticks I posted the other day are AWESOME and I am going to try it as pizza crust next with no garlic.  

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