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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Some good Diabetes news

I just saw this on Facebook this morning and FINALLY something positive about Diabetes and our insanely high cost of treatment and insurance.

This is what sounds amazing, "patients with diabetes receive discounts on their health insurance for achieving better outcomes"! I and thousands of others could really REALLY use cheaper health insurance and medications.

Things are changing, they have to change, someone has to do something because someday some of us wont be able to afford our health insurance and manage this disease in a way that doesn't bankrupt us. I am dreading my insulin pump warranty expiring next August.  I am looking at anywhere from 1200-1500 I will have to pay for a new insulin pump AFTER insurance coverage.  Does that sound appealing?  I don't have a flipping clue how I will pay for that but I can't live with this disease without it and a pump under warranty either. 

Google's Oscar Deal Could Be Game Changer For Diabetes Management


Google Capital, the company’s growth-equity fund, has invested $32.5 million in Oscar Health Insurance, an innovative start-up trying to transform the health insurance market. Unlike major players like UnitedHealth or Anthem, Oscar’s target market at the moment is individuals rather than large groups of patients. Another key difference is that at least for the moment the company is focused on the New York/New Jersey market.

What’s truly intriguing here is that Oscar could become the first health insurer to dynamically price their policies. As interconnected diabetes management (IDM) moves closer to becoming a reality this technology can not only transform how patients manage their diabetes but also what they pay for their health insurance. As we have noted in the past just as drivers receive a discount on their car insurance for attaching a monitoring device to their car, so to could patients with diabetes receive discounts on their health insurance for achieving better outcomes.

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