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Thursday, October 22, 2015

I can finally walk somewhat normally!

I am nearly three weeks post surgery for my ingrown toe nail procedure.  I am still kind of walking on the outsides of my feet but not as much as before.  My toes dont tingle much anymore but the nerve on the tops of my feet are still a bit unhappy.

The foot doctor checked me out Tuesday and said they are healing really well so that is good.  I am suppose to take the bandaids off next week and let them dry up.  That sounds horrifying to me right now as they are still painful and the bandaids so offer a little bit of protection from my clumsy self.    I have already dropped several things on my toes and stubbed them a couple times and my stupid dog ran across my toes yesterday.  I could have strangled her I swear.

Here is yesterdays updated pictures of my toes.

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