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Monday, October 12, 2015

Opinion: ADA: Low Carb Diet Helps Diabetics, but Still Not Recommended

"As reported by Regina Wilshire in her low-carb science blog Weight of the Evidence, a spokesperson for the ADA says that low carb diets are helpful for managing diabetes, but they aren’t recommended because the ADA thinks that low carb is too difficult for people to “live with long term."

In other words, instead of trying to help people follow the diet that is best for them, this prominent organization admits to recommending a diet that is less healthy for diabetics –- a diet that could cause a type 2 diabetic to take more medication, progress to becoming dependent on insulin, or even suffer from any of a number of health problems caused by poor blood glucose control."
Since when do we allow other people/organizations to decide what is best for us?  Isn't what's best suppose to be based off medical research?  Research shows that a low carb diet is what is BEST for us.  Just because it is HARD they wont recommend it?   Or is it because of their crap guidelines and the resulting crap blood sugars keep all the Diabetes related MILLIONAIRE companies afloat?

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