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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

I don't know you Sean Parker, but I would love to give you a GIANT hug!

Read the article here:

Did you read today's news?  Sean Parker donated 10 million dollars to research for type 1 Diabetes!  TEN MILLION DOLLARS!

This is incredible!  This guy donated 10 million dollars out of his pocket to help find a cure for the Disease that I live with every single day of every single moment of my life!

“This is literally a life or death situation with a diabetes 1 patient and in that sense there’s a real need to get down to the mechanistic level and understand how to repair the immune system so that it no longer produces these self-reactive T cells and in the event that it does those T cells are sufficiently suppressed by immunosuppressive elements like regulatory T cells,” Parker said.

Sean Parker, thank you, thank you from every inch of my being.   I really REALLY hope and pray and wish to be cured from Type 1 Diabetes in my lifetime!

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