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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Join the I am a Diabetic Warrior! Diabetes Support Group on Facebook

If you need support for your Diabetes and are looking for a group on Facebook, please feel free to request to be added to the one I started.  It is https://www.facebook.com/groups/diabeticwarriors/

I also have links on this page on my blog:  http://typeonediabeticwarrior.blogspot.com/p/join-my-diabetic-warrior-facebook-group.html

If you live in the Sauk Valley Illinois area join this group I started:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/SaukValleyDiabeticWarriors/  I hope to eventually get enough people in that group to maybe have a monthly support meeting somewhere if people are wanting to participate.

Please leave me your comments, it helps keep me motivated!

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