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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Health insurance woes....they just never end when you have a chronic lifelong expensive disease

The health insurance company we DUMPED also decided to DUMP me from accessing my claims on their website.  It has been 27 days and they cut my access off.  Really?  Wow.  So I tried calling them, hold time was insane as it always it.  I messaged them on their facebook page, I'm told someone will be calling me by the end of the day today.  We shall see.

Then I call Tandem Diabetes to see if they are contracted with my new insurance company, which is a HUGE company and they are not.  Super bummed.  I dislike supply companies unless its Homelink, I had a great experience with Homelink.

I was told to call Byrum so I tried Edgepark first instead because I have heard nightmares about Byrum.  They told me yes they are contracted with my insurance company and that my supplies don't go to deductible first.  Hmmm that is the first time I have ever heard that one!  It would be great but while I am on hold with my insurance to verify they tell me no its deductible first.  AHHH!!   So they are verifying my coverage now.  I am crossing my fingers that its just co-insurance and not my $1500 family deductible first. 

Now they said it is deductible first.  So I have to keep calling suppliers to see what they say and what their contracted pricing is with my insurance.  Man I hate this.

I hate health insurance and all the hoops and insane high cost of living with type 1 Diabetes in America. 

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