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Monday, January 4, 2016

My Dexcom transmitter and how I sometimes carry my Dexcom and Insulin pump in the last place you would expect!

So my transmitter I ordered in July and opened 1 month ago is starting to lose big gaps in coverage, like hours of saying it it out of range when it is clearly attached to my ankle.  (yeah I carry it on my ankle in cold months when I am wearing long pants)  I have one week left of warranty and we are getting new health insurance.  I wont have the new health insurance information/ID card for probably another 10 days.  So you know what that means!?  FREAK OUT time!

Luckily I called Dexcom today and they offered to replace my transmitter with one that has a 60 day warranty, so at least I can get approved for a new transmitter in that time frame.  THANK YOU DEXCOM!

(Can you see my Dexcom or Tslim on my ankles?   Nooooo)

(Well there they are and YES I am wearing black long underwear, its freakin cold here, ok!  Tslim in a baby sock in a Spiband from Spibelt.com)

Maybe in the mean time the G5 will get FDA Android approval and then I can just order the G5 and have it sent to my phone and not worry about losing my receiver constantly.  I am still kind of worried about the G5 and that you HAVE to replace it every 6 months.  The costs scare me, I guess until I know the cost of my portion with this new insurance I will just wait to freak out.
Yeah, right, I will wait to freak out about the high cost of living with Type 1 Diabetes, I will try anyway.

 (Dexcom in a Tally Gear case from Tallygear.com)

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