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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The dreaded ??? readings on Dexcom.

Restarted my Dexcom sensor this morning, I think for only the third time (wink wink) and today most of the day I have the dreaded ??? readings.  DARRRRNNNNN it. I will have to get out a new one after work.  Three or four weeks is what I typically get out of one Dexcom sensor, I know that is nothing to complain about!  I just hate when they finally conk out because of how much they cost. 

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  1. Yesterday the same happened to me, but 2 hours later started working again. Maybe is for move or press to zone where is the sensor?

  2. Yesterday the same happened to me, but 1 hour later started qorking properly again, I hope this one longs for three weeks!!!


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