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Monday, August 14, 2017

Is it possible to have a tape reaction on one spot and not the other?

It is no secret, I love my opsite flexifix tape for my pump sites and dexcom sensors, if a person CAN actually say they LOVE being attached to two medical devices held on by tape every single moment of every day.

Lately when I wear my dexcom on my outer thigh, where the "saddlebag" area is the tape starts to really bother me around the edges. Its super wierd, if I just loosen the tape on the edges it usually stops feeling like its burning. The tape doesnt feel like it's burning anywhere else, its so strange.  Anyone else have a tape reaction in one spot and not another?

This sensor I put on the other day has been burning under the tape and it was the first one out of a new box and the accuracy has been shit. The first night it set off my dexcom followers urgent low alarms, I was 160...then in the morning it said I was 367!! I was like 120! Wtf?! Tomorrow I'm calling dexcom if it doesn't shape up. My urgent alarm had not gotten to the point of screaming in my ear, I was sleeping really hard I guess.

Im not sure how much longer I can use thighs, since I started this amazing workout system almost 2 months ago, Ill share more tomorrow, my thigh fat is disappearing fast into all muscle and the dexcom wire keeps stabbing the bajeebers out of my thigh muscle. It feels like a knife going into your leg, no Ive never actually been stabbed by a knife, thankfully.

I dont like to do arms in the summer, but maybe I will go back to my calf, this whole thigh spot really REALLY hurts when it stabs me.

Oh and Im back on track, again, with low carb. I have a million zucchini to shred and freeze tomorrow, I might just croak in front of my food processor. 

1 comment:

  1. Of course it is. I think about poison ivy. It is a skin reaction and sometimes it goes everywhere, other times it is isolated ot he spot of contact.


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