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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Tandem x2 with g5 pump, so far this signal loss thing is making me crazy!

How many of you using the tslim x2 with g5 integration are having signal loss issues nonstop? I know I am.  My phone has ZERO issues keeping the signal.  ZERO.  The pump, on the other hand, cant keep the damn signal at all. Especially at night while Im covered up. I have for EIGHT YEARS worn my pump in a sports type bra thing in a baby sock so I can hear alarms. Well the only damn alarm I get is SIGNAL LOSS! WTF TANDEM?  If it werent for my phone my dexcom would be worthless. I am calling Tandem tomorrow and hopefully all the other people having this issue call also. How will this setup be the artificial pancreas loop pump? I sure dont know. 

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