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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Restarting Dexcom G6 sensors and Tandem X2 Basal IQ update.

So hopefully everyone knows you can in fact restart G6 sensors.  You can follow Katie Disimone's awesome tutorial here:

We have now discovered you can restart a sensor after it officially expires, if you accidentally do that.  You can follow the same above directions or try what works for me.

My android will not allow me to forget the transmitter i.d. and then re-pair. I tried and had to delete the whole app, reinstall and restart the 2 hour warm up. So my sensor expired in the mean time.

I went into my phone app, hit stop sensor or new sensor.  I reused my sensor code, hit start then as soon as possible shut your blue tooth off completely.  You have to do this in the 5 minute time frame your transmitter and phone app or reciever are not talking.  Watch for a fresh b.g. reading and then do the stop/start.  Then set a timer on your phone for 2 hours and 10 minutes. When timer goes off turn your blue tooth back on. Open Dexcom app and it should say 5 mins remaining.  I waited and then it started reading just like it was in fact a brand new sensor.

Do this at your own risk. I am not a doctor or giving you medical advice.

I have only gotten sensors to restart twice so far, the third time I get nonstop sensor error messages. They are so frequent that it makes them totally useless to me. So since July 21 I have used 3 sensors, just put third one on today.

I also did the basal iq update today. I am going to attempt a restart in 9 days. I plan on keeping readings on my pump and doing the restart on my phone like I explained above.

If you allow the sensor to end it gets more complicated.  You'd have to shut the pump down, restart it and it won't have the sensor session active anymore. So leave it off the pump while you do a restart on your phone.

When the session restarts on your phone and is reading you enter the transmitter id into the pump, start sensor, skip sensor id and hope it will catch up to your phone. It should as mine did exactly that today when I did the pump update. I had an active session on my phone that I just started up this morning. It caught up and that was all I had to do. 


  1. Thanks for the info will be trying out soon

  2. I have a Samsung Note 8 and it does aggressively reconnect to Dexcom no matter how many times I unpaired it...I have the Tslim Basal IQ and hope that the phone restart works as easy as you say it does above... I have failed twice so far and it hurts my heart every time!

    (Any luck restarting from your phone while also connected to your Tslim with Basal IQ?)

    1. Yes, I use phone and x2 pump for restarts now and have posted about it here on my blog.

    2. Can you explain step by step how to restart a G6 sensor on the Tslim x2 pump? I don't quite understand your explanation above. Note, I do not use the Dexcom app on my phone, I only use the x2 as the receiver so I can use the Basal IQ.

  3. Ionly use the x2 insulin pump as my receiver with the g6 senser how do i restart the senser?


  5. I am sorry I cannot answer this question because I do not restart my sensors this way. I would suggest to use the phone app as well so you can restart them.


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