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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Successfully restarted a G6 Dexcom sensor while running X2 Basal IQ

I have now restarted a G6 Dexcom sensor twice while using the Basal IQ software on my X2 insulin pump.

6 hours before your sensor session ends you will get an alert on your phone app and your X2 insulin pump.

I did my regular way of restarting on my Android Samsung Galaxy S8 phone before a sensor expires.  You can also restart after it expires or with less time remaining this only becomes an issue when you have your dexcom on your x2 pump.

-Watch your phone for a brand new fresh b.g. reading then wait 1 minute ( this is what I do to be sure the transmitter communication has stopped)

-Quickly go through stop sensor, new sensor, enter code or skip it, start sensor, watch for circle chart, then shut off blue tooth.

-Ignore all alerts that blue tooth is off and that you cannot see the circle chart anymore.  It is still running the time down, I promise.

-Set an alarm on your phone for 2 hours and 10 minutes ( I do 10 minutes just to be sure).

-When time goes off turn blue tooth back on. It will say signal loss please wait up to whatever time frame it says.

-It will then say please wait 5 min, circle chart will come up and then it should just start reading you or ask to calibrate if you skipped reusing your code.

-During this whole time your pump will keep reading your dexcom.  The reciever has no idea you restarted it because you did it in the 5 minute window it wasnt talking to your phone or pump.

-You have to be sure the phone app is not getting any readings during the 2 hr warm up because they designed the phone app to look for erratic numbers as it then knows its a new sensor then and not a reused one.

-You can then go into your pump cgm sessions and calibrations and see it says session joined.

-If your session expires, at this time I am unsure what process youd have to do. I have not yet had to do this.  I know you can shut down your pump to get all current cgm session info off the pump.  When you do this you have to fake a new cartridge change and waste 10 u of insulin and have enough left over or it will tell you to add more.  Or just really do a cartridge change out.  Then you can restart on your phone and again shut off blue tooth for 2hr 10min.  Then start b.t. back up on your phone. Then you can go into your pump and enter your transmitter i.d. and skip the code to join a session already started and it should just join the session that is running on your phone.

Let me know how this worked for you and how youre enjoying your x2 with basal iq! 


  1. Hi Megan! I am attempting a restart today :) I followed the steps but I am not seeing my numbers on my pump anymore. Is that normal? I have about 1 hour left on my restart on the phone app and I am getting the lost signal alert- which sounds right. So my question is- what did I mess up? I sat my pump in a different room for about 10 mins while restarting the sensor. But when I hooked back up all of of sudden my numbers were gone and I have the circle with the countdown on the pump now. Do I need to restart my pump or once the 2 hours is up will the pump reconnect as well?

    1. Sorry I did not see this until now and I didn't get my normal email notification.

      I am unsure what happened, I would need to know exactly what steps you took. It sounds to me like you stopped the sensor in the time it was communicating with your app. Then when you went back in range of your pump, your transmitter told your pump you stopped your sensor session. I just changed the name and main topic of the fb group I started if you want to join and ask questions there it might be easier. I just posted about it on here.

  2. I get to try this out Saturday! I hope it works!! What is the name of the FB group you created? Would love to join for troubleshooting.

    1. Hi again Bethany! Yes it is also posted here on my blog as well.



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