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Monday, October 8, 2018

Dexcom to the rescue!

Holy moly have I been through the Diabetes tech ringer for the last 14 or so hours.

Yesterday evening while visiting at family out of town my super old g6 sensor finally crapped out, nonstop sensor errors.  So I had already brought a new sensor because it was going bad.

Prepped the site, put my opsite flexifix down, left my old one on for fear of another stuck applicator and then it happened! The applicator got stuck on again, 2nd time! I was like
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! The damn thing would not release for anything.  Yanking, twisting, flicking it, pushing it, nada! The needle was still out and stabbing me so 5 mins of this and I was done. I had to peel off my tape and get it all off.  That sucked.

Get home, put another new one and the damn thing tells me TRANSMITTER FAILED! AHHHH! My 90 days wasn't up until 10-15 so it failed early.  I had my husband help me pop the transmitter back out because I do not have a stash of sensors where I can just toss it.

Got it popped out, paired the new one and put it in. Restarting it worked since it was a fresh sensor and it was even bleeding.

So I went to sleep. Then at 12am it was screaming low 55! I jump out of bed eat something, check bg....125. Really?! So I calibrate because by this point I'm pissed off at my sensor. That threw it into calibrate in 15 minutes mode.  NOW I'm really mad. Haha! I calibrate and then it goes into SENSOR ERROR MODE! OMFG! It alarmed every 30 minutes all damn night long. I kept hoping it would work. I got no damn sleep because you cannot turn that blasted alarm off on the pump. So at 6 am I hit stop sensor because I was about to throw it out the window.

Kids wake me up an hour later, go figure, its a holiday and they wake up early. So I tried to restart the sensor.  My pump says INVALID TRANSMITTER I.D. Holy COW I almost bashed it with a hammer!  Soooo I did a pump shut down to try to get it to work.  Then you must do or fake a new cartridge change out and waste 10u of insulin. I did this process twice.  No go.

Called Tandem, sat on hold 20 minutes.  Explained the story. He tells me Dexcom can only replace g6 transmitters.  So he transfers me.  30 more mins on hold and I get this lady. Tell her the same story and she tells me TANDEM must replace this crap.

I nearly lost it. I barely got her to replace the bad sensor that stuck and the one on me that refuses to pair to my pump.  Unreal.  My head is pounding now.

I'm transferred AGAIN.  The hold message says G4 tech support.  Omfg I have an x2 but I waited because I was fed up now.  So after another 20 minutes on hold I get a lady.  I tell HER THE STORY....AGAIN.  She apologizes and says no Dexcom can replace the transmitter and sensors and come to find out she was on the Dexcom side but somehow through Tandem, I don't know it was all so damn confusing. Jeeeeeze.

So Dexcom is now FINALLY replacing both transmitters and both sensors.  Holy smokes what a headache, I literally got a headache from all this crap.

I'm so grateful for the lady at Dexcom who knew her stuff, was incredibly helpful and replaced all my broken tech gear, ha!

Hang in there everyone Dexcom is working to fix all these issues, sensor error messages, failures and pairing issues.  They know, they hear us! It is new tech and there will be glitches lets all just hope they get fixed asap so control iq can come out next year! 

1 comment:

  1. I have found both Dexcom and Medtronic are wonderful for customer service.


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