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Friday, October 26, 2018

My G6 sensor mysteriously ended itself 3 days early

So today at 8:08 am my sensor for whatever reason said my session ended.  It wasnt due to be changed or restarted for 3 more days.  I have no idea why this happens sometimes.
My phone also dumped the info for my last session.  Super wierd.  I guess Ill call dexcom just to let them know.  I restarted it on my phone and then shut off blue tooth.  Left my pump hanging out saying I need a new sensor.  It should work, as it has before.  We shall see.

I really hope Dexcom is working out these glitches, they are so wierd. I NEVER had any issues with G5.

Update: So after 2hr and about 20 mins, I had a delay turning bt back on, it said its normal lost signal warning, then about 10 mins later it said 5 mins remaining.  Then after another 5 or 10 mins the alert telling me the warm up was over and I now have blood sugar readings came on and it started working perfectly.  I went and got my pump from the other room and it took about 10 mins and then the bgs were on my pump also.  (I usually move it out of range when I turn b.t. back on, get readings working on my phone then get my pump back in range and it joins the session)

Everything worked just the same as the last time I had a sensor session end, even though this was ended 3 days early for whatever mysterious reason all on its own.  

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