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Monday, August 5, 2019

No low blood sugar

#Diabetes #Dexcom #TandemDiabetes #Type1Diabetes #dsma #ketogains

So I usually hand wash my vehicle in the Summer since its nice outside and we live in the country.  Today I decided since it was going to be really hot that it would be a good day to wash and maybe buff out some scratches on my Jeep with compound (former car detailer of 5 years here).

Yeah well you know how you start doing something and you think to yourself if I am this deep into it I might as well just do the whole thing.  Well I buffed out my hood and was like ehh that wasn't too bad, I was a little worried I was going to cook to death in the heat and go low a thousand times like I ALWAYS do when I start detailing my vehicle.  So I was feeling good and did the grill too then the front fenders, which led to the doors and the window trim and the back hatch and before I knew it I had done the whole Jeep with NO LOW BLOOD SUGAR!  I was like, hell yes this is great!

So then I was starting to take all the compound off and my 6 year old wanted to help, little does she know how much it sucks to hand polish a vehicle!!  HAHA!  She is one tough kid and she worked for about 45 minutes then her hands and arms were killing her.  Amazingly, I did not feel like my arms or hands were going to fall off, since I started weight lifting 2 years ago I am shocked at the things I can do with little to no pain or fatigue anymore.  Anyway we got it all polished up and buffed off by hand (I have always been too chicken to use rubbing compound with an electric buffer) vacuumed and wiped down the whole inside, polished all the door jambs, cleaned all the windows polished the wheels when it was all said and done it took me 5.5 hours to get done.  This was really good time since I had to keep 2 kids from killing each other, 3 dogs from running off after God knows what wild animals and a lunch break.  With no kids or dogs to corral I think I could have gotten it done in 4 hours or less, which is really good since the last time I washed and buffed a car I think it took me 8 hours.

I did not have a single low blood sugar all day until just a little bit ago and THAT is a huge accomplishment for me. I think the low is only from some insulin pump basal tweaking I need to do.  I have been living the low carb lifestyle for quite a while now but I got really hard core when my husband decided to join the keto club with me.  We both weight lift and follow a keto diet.  I haven't been in this good of shape in my entire life and I have never been this strong.  I cannot explain how much better I feel not eating carbs like grains, starch, or real sugar ( I use swerve mostly).  I do eat them but on a very rare occasion and when I am low I have to eat sugar/glucose, OBVIOUSLY, or I will die.

My Jeep, that I love, is 7 years old and has nearly 100,000 miles and I think she looks pretty damn good after all that work! 

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