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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Im feeling beat down

#Diabetes #Dexcom #TandemDiabetes #Type1Diabetes #dsma

 I try so hard not to let Diabetes beat me down or make me feel like I am losing control but this week has been really hard, like crushing my heart hard.  I know having my little warrior on an insulin pump will give her the best life and best possible outcome for longevity with type 1 but holy crap it is hard.  She has cried every day about how much she hates Diabetes, hates having the pump attached to her and hates the way the site feels.  It is such a huge adjustment and really huge when you are little. 

I remember adjusting to the pump was hard for me and pump sites always hurt but I could cope with it because I was an adult.  Every time she cries I swear my heart breaks a little bit more for her but I put on my brave mom face and try to let her know it will be ok and she will get use to it, even though it is bullshit she has to get use to it.  

Why don't we have a cure for this disease yet! Every time someone says something insensitive I try hard to brush it off but man it is like a dagger to my heart because I hate this shit too.  All the harsh things people say start to add up.  They all compile in my brain and I know someday they will crush her too.  Diabetes isn't unlike any other disease and I don't understand why people feel like they can say horrible things to the people living with it. 

Type 1 Diabetes sucks enough as it is without people making comments about how they could NEVER do it or NEVER wear a pump, NEVER take a shot, NEVER be able to count carbs, NEVER be able to poke their finger, NEVER this or that or the other.  NEVER is NOT AN OPTION!  You do it or you DIE.  

Let that sink in, you do it or you die, there is no other option, no choices, no vacations, no breaks ever. Me and my little warrior will be diabetic for the rest of our lives and we will fight the complications and blood sugars every single day.  To add the bullshit people say on top of it is just too much.  Tell people they are brave, strong, courageous and that they are doing a great job living with Diabetes and that if you had Diabetes yourself, you would hope to do as good of a job living with it.  

I have never once ever heard anyone say the mean terrible things they do about Diabetes for any other disease.  I have never once seen a meme or joke about any other disease online other than Diabetes.  I have never heard anyone joke about getting Cancer, MS, Parkinsons or any other disease, but yet people joke about Diabetes and how doing this or that will give them Diabetes.  Its just not funny and its confusing as hell to little kids living with this shit.    

Stop joking about DIABETES, its not funny EVER and it sure the hell isn't FUN to live with.

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