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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Reason number 1,000,000 I love my Dexcom

Reason number 1,000,000 to love my dexcom cgm.

I just checked my blood sugar because my sensor failed earlier (it was over two weeks old) and I am 78 and had no clue I was going low or near being low.

Bad blood sugar bad. Why wont it just behave?

Oh wait, I have type 1 Diabetes thats why.


Somebody over estimated their carbs earlier out of pure laziness.

Who the heck wants to freakin weigh or measure out every dang bite of food they eat anyway. Every time. Every meal. Every day.

I got a long freakn way to go, hopefully at least another 50 years or more.

I need to do the math for how many more meals that is.

54,750 more meals that I have to calculate the carbs for if I live to 83 for three meals a day.


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