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Sunday, October 27, 2013

What about Diabetes advocacy?


This article makes a good point. A diabetes blogger almost passed out behind the President because she was dehydrated but no one asked her about being Diabetic and pregnant or how difficult it is.

I too am so thankful for the new health care reform. I am not slapped with a huge premium because of my diabetes. My premium at my job went down $7,000 SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, did you read that? Yeah insane.

My husband and daughter will be getting a plan from the new exchange system because we qualify for tax credits on it.

I am anxious to use it when my insurance agent says to give it a shot, after the bugs are fixed.

Covering all people with pre exsisting conditions is fabulous, for those of us with chronic long time incurable diseases.

Diabetes is not a cheap adventure.

This article was well written and I love how low blood sugar was explained.

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