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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

What keeps you motivated?

Type 1 Diabetes is a life long sort of thing and sometimes the people who live with this disease get burned out, depressed, sick and tired of managing it, tired of critical comments from doctors, friends, family and even strangers.

What are some of the things that keeps you motivated to stay on top of this disease?  Do you have any helpful knowledge you care to share with others who have either had Type 1 long term or those just starting out?

Let me hear what you have to say!

Please leave me your comments, it helps keep me motivated!


  1. I know all too well how it feels to be burned out and depressed over having diabetes. I am strongly motivated by the fact that God has used this disease and the other ones that I have to grow me into the woman I am today, and the woman He plans for me to be. I view diabetes as the thing that saved my life, that showed me my need for a Savior. Because I have diabetes, I have a God-given passion to help others who are struggling with diabetes. Because I have found a way to finally take control of my blood sugars, I want to break through the deceit and lies that are being passed around in the medical field about how diabetics should manage their blood sugar levels. I want to help others live to their fullest potential...and how can I help them if I'm not helping myself, if I'm not being that example? Actions speak louder than words!

    1. Rachel,
      Thank you for sharing that with me and everyone else who reads my blog. It is good to hear how other people stay motivated!


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