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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Prior authorization, pre certification, pre when the heck did I get cured?

Gray hairs, I have gray hair because of health insurance companies!

Holy crap I do not like Land of Lincoln health insurance. I have to get a new precertification/prior authorization whatEVER every 3 months.

Seriously? Why?

Do they think I am going to find a cure for type 1 diabetes every 3 months?
This time it took them 2 weeks to approve my pump supplies! TWO WEEKS! Wow Im glad I didnt run out of supplies.

I get that some people abuse their insurance but good grief Im the same person I was for my last approval and why cant they be like all other companies I have had? 1 approval is good for a year. I mean really.  Get with the program Land of Lincoln Health Insurance.

Dont put your Diabetic patients through any more b.s. than they already deal with from everyone else.

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