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Thursday, November 5, 2015

My experience with the In Touch Livongo glucose meter so far.

I got my Welcome kit 2 days ago, which includes the meter, charging cable, lancing device, lancets, and however many strips you wanted.  I got 300, which I probably won't use but that is what my prescription was for so I just kept it the same.  You know how it
goes, some times you use a ton in a month and other times not so much.

The meter is rather large, but it was free and it has a ton of cool features so I don't mind it. It has a built in T-Mobile internet connection so it uploads your data to your account online and you can choose who you want to share that data with.  You can share it with your doctors, a family member, your cell phone and even a CDE that Livongo provides for you to call for free. If your blood sugar is below 50 or above 400 the CDE will try to contact you to be sure you are ok.

I don't have connection to the T-Mobile network at my home but I do at my work so when I go to work and check my blood sugar it updates all the missed data and retrieves any messages.

You can also use any Micro USB charger to charge this meter, this is HUGE for me because my Verio meter has a lame proprietary charging cable.  Drives me NUTS.

I am not using the lancing device because I have a One Touch Delica that I use and I love it, I will never go back to any other lancer, that thing is almost painless.

The test strips are also rather large, but there are many benefits:  I don't have to do the b.s. fight with my health insurance to get the number of strips I feel I need, I don't have to get a prescription renewed every year, I don't have to visit a doctor every 6 months so they will continue to write my test strip prescription and I don't have to wait in line at the pharmacy to get my refills.  Those are so many more pluses for me that I wont let the size of these huge strips bother me.

So far I am really happy with this program. I am a tad bit concerned what they will raise the price to after the locked in 2 year price of only $25.00 per month.  I do NOT want to go back to the battles of getting my test strips.

It's crazy to even talk about how hard it is for us Diabetics to get the test strips that we BASE our whole control of this disease on.

THANK YOU LIVONGO for this program, please continue to keep the price at $25.00/month, there has got to be tens of thousands of people who will benefit from this. 

Please leave me your comments, it helps keep me motivated!


  1. I will never go back to any other Diabetic Lancets, that thing is almost painless.

  2. I know the blog post is kind of old. I found your site because I just recently got a Livongo Meter. For me, however, 100% of the cost (meter, Strips, lances, etc) are FREE, which is great because I want to test more frequently, but my current meter is a One Touch Ultra, and those strips are EXPENSIVE (even through the Insurance). Anyway, I have only had my Livongo for less than a week, and right out of the box, it won't connect to the Network (It uses T-Mobile). I called support to try and get it resolved, but it's been 4 days and I actually had to call again as it still doesn't work.

    We have great T-Mobile Service where I am at so that should not be an issue.

    Anyway, the meter (other than connectivity) seems to be okay. I like my Lance from my One Touch better, but it's still not that bad. I really want to use the online tracking tools to get a better view of my numbers, so I am hoping they can get the connectivity resolved soon.

    The meter does seem to be pretty decent so far though.


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