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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

My t:slim X2 review after wearing it for a month now and why I still choose Dexcom

My pump warranty went out and so I began the battle with insurance to get a new insulin pump.  The insurance approval mumbo jumbo took a month once again, but Tandem, being the awesome company they are offered me a loaner if mine decided to croak in the mean time.  I did not have any issues while waiting thankfully. 

So I got my X2 and of course I started it up right away and had the tedious job of transferring all my settings over to the new pump.  I am a woman so I have the joy of needing different profiles for different times of the month.  Men be very thankful your hormones don't shift around during the month.

I got it up and running and it kept losing the Dexcom signal.  I asked questions in the Tandem Facebook group and tried a few suggestions like, make sure the screen is face out, put it on the same side of your body as the sensor.  Nothing worked.  I finally called Tandem.
We went thru all the required troubleshooting and nothing worked.  They sent me a new transmitter.  I got it 2 days later, popped it in and I still had the signal lost issue for my Dexcom data.  I called Tandem again.  They replaced my pump.

FINALLY it WORKED!!  I was overjoyed!  I still lose signal at night but I have yet to move my Dexcom sensor and see if that fixes my issues at night. 

I still use my phone as a Dexcom receiver because it never loses signal AND because I use Dexcom share and my husband and mother get my Dexcom alerts.  So if my pump loses signal at night my phone still gets it and alarms to wake me up. 

Cons so far: 
  1. The volume needs to have a super loud setting for night time for those of us who use fans/noisemakers/etc at night.
  2. Vibration is still way way too weak, my Medtronic 522 from 8 years ago had a much stronger vibration. 
  3.  When there is a Dexcom alert and you don;t look right away it goes away and you have to go into the alert history to see what it was.
Pros so far:
  1.  I LOVE having my Dexcom data on my pump.
  2. When I upload to t:connnect my Dexcom data and pump data are of course both there now.
  3. When you enter a bg into the Dexcom calibration menu it offers a correction if you need one.
  4. All the same great features of the tslim are still there and still great for me like the touchscreen, great visibility of the screen, quick and easy way you can change pump settings or add a time slot, still rechargeable, I like not needing to change batteries, small pump size and durable metal case (which in part may be why it loses Dexcom signal so easily, so it would be nice to see a different durable case that allows the signal to pass through easier). 
  5. I still love Tandem as much as when I started with them in August 2013.
  6. I cant wait for the closed loop pump that is (cross your fingers) coming out in 2018 sometime.  We need that closed loop, they need to be competition for that dreadful Medtronic company. 
  7. Tandems outstanding customer service.
Dexcom is still my choice CGM company after 6 years.

I still love:
  1.  The range of the G5 even though it is shorter than the G4 
  2. The ability to stop and restart the same sensor and wear it for 3-4 weeks which saves a person a ton of money 
  3. The ability to share my blood sugar numbers with whoever I choose 
  4. The slim profile of the transmitter vs Medtronics weird clamshell shaped thing and the ease of taping the Dexcom sensor on vs having to tape the whole thing down like the Medtronic one.  When I tried the Medtronic cgm I had to tape the whole thing down and it was just weird having the tape feel all gross and the sweat that would get trapped underneath.  
  5. The ability to customize the alarm sounds my phone makes for the alerts vs the standard ones on the Dexcom issued receiver.
  6. Dexcom's outstanding customer service
Occasionally I hear someone complain about Dexcom and Tandem's customer service reps, but it goes without saying but needs to be said sometimes.....if you are nice to the person on the other end of the line, more than likely they will be nice to you in return.  

I hope this helps someone who may be on the fence and looking for a new company especially since Animas closed its doors. 

Keep fighting the good fight my fellow Warriors!


  1. I am glad you are enjoying the pump.

  2. Thank for your continual sharing and keeping this blog updated. I’m reviewing things for my Mother’s type 1 and realize your research is in depth and you bring the pros and cons to the table. Keep up the fantastic work and THANK YOU! God bless...


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