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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The power of prayer is amazing but it will not cure those of us with Type 1 Diabetes.

November is Diabetes Awareness Month.  My friend Sarah posted this today and it struck a nerve with me because I too have heard and been told this.  People have actually let their child die by stopping insulin. 
Type 1 Diabetes so far as I know has never been cured by prayer.  Her post said exactly what people need to hear. 

Sarah writes:

I just have to mention something that has already been said to me 2x this month. Something that is said to T1 diabetics and parents of T1 diabetics all the time.

God can heal you! You should be healed or other stuff like this.

I went to a Christian school in High School and to a Christian University. I have many friends still in these circles and it is important to get this message out.


How in the world do you think this is helping us with a Chronic condition in any way?  If anything these pressures and scriptures are dangerous to those who have tried.
My story- When I was 16 I went and saw Benny Henn- A healer- At Canyonville Christian Academy- the boarding school I went to and I was brought on the stage and prayed for.

My faith was going to heal me. I remember being asked, “ Do you feel any different?”   No.  I was encouraged to not take my insulin that night and to pray all night.  So I didn’t.  I actually waited around 30 hours before my meter could no longer read my high blood sugar number.   I was dying.  I was not stupid, I was simply following my religious leaders.

I took insulin and then felt very shamed that my faith did not heal me. I was made to feel like I was completely at fault for an autoimmune disease I got at 10 years old.  This is religious abuse.  Thinking about this as an adult, how dangerous and how ridiculous.

So before you go quoting the Bible to me why don’t you think about scriptures that apply to you?
God allows death and disease & is under no obligation to heal us in this life..(Hebrews 12:7-Endure hardship as discipline)

I have added some stories of parents killing their T1 diabetics due to religious beliefs.

Think about that.

Your comment:  How will this help me? Why don’t you use some of your God given common sense and donate to the cure?  That would help me and my diabetic child.


"Alexandru Radita’s first medical crisis began when he was on the verge of turning 3. His parents brought him — thirsty, feverish, vomiting and suffering from abdominal pain — to a hospital in British Columbia in December 2000. Lab tests confirmed that young Alex had Type 1 diabetes.
A doctor spoke to Alex’s mother to explain her son’s diagnosis and how they would need to treat him at home. Type 1 diabetes is a lifelong condition in which a person’s pancreas produces little to no insulin. People with Type 1 diabetes need regular blood tests and insulin injections to moderate blood-sugar levels.  According to court documents, “Mrs. Radita . . . made it clear that in her view the diagnosis was incorrect and she would prove that the doctors were wrong.”


"A deeply religious Wisconsin couple who prayed over their dying daughter rather than seek medical help were properly convicted of homicide, the state Supreme Court decided Wednesday. 
Kara Neumann, 11, of Weston, Wis., died March 23, 2008 — Easter Sunday — of complications of untreated juvenile onset diabetes.
According to the case records, Kara had been showing symptoms of exhaustion and dehydration for more than a week, but her parents, Dale and Leilani Neumann, refused to take her to a pediatrician, and decided to respond to her illness with prayer, not medicine."


"ALBANY, Ore. (KOIN 6) — The trial of Travis and Wenona Rossiter, accused of depriving their daughter of life-saving medical care for diabetes, continued in Albany Friday.
The Rossiters are members of the Church of the First Born, whose members believe traditional medical treatment is sinful.
Their daughter, Syble Rossiter, was 12 when she died in February 2013.
Their lawyers argued their beliefs should be excluded as prejudicial – that they should be tried for their actions rather than their beliefs."


  1. Yeah, I believe in God. Attend church, pray, read the bible, worry about the poor and call myself a christian. I am also a T1 and I believe in insulin. I think these are examples of people who fail to grasp that taking insulin is not a cure, rather a medicine to keep us alive until God makes us well. So pray a lot, lay hands always, love God more each day, but for goodness sakes take insulin. When/if your child gets healed, trust me you will be the first to know. I promise.


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