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Monday, November 13, 2017

Trying so hard to expand my insulin pump site rotation sites.

Those of you who use outer thigh/saddlebag area for pump sites and use angled sets, do you have them going up and down or side to side inside your leg? I keep trying to branch out and use my legs but everytime I do it the darn thing hurts all the time.  Im thin and dont have much fat on my legs.  This is the only place on my leg I can put a pump site. I can't use my stomach at all because the infusion set burns the whole time, and it is not bearable pain, kind of like my leg but a little bit less. I can't use 90 degree sets because they stab me internally and get bent nonstop. I also can't stand metal cannulas at all, they also stab me. I get so tired of this disease when it comes to pump sites and all the issues I have with them and the literal pain they cause me.  I don't know if I have particularly sensitive tissue or what the deal is.  I just know that while sitting here with a set in my leg it is hurting and it really pisses me off. As I get closer to my goal body fat percentage I worry more about where will I put my pump without any pain and how in the world do the people with almost zero bodyfat even wear a stupid insulin pump?....  Today I am really sick and tired of living with t1d and all these freaking medical devices attached to me nonstop. 

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