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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Today is World Diabetes Day

Today is World Diabetes Day. A day to help spread awareness of Diabetes. A day to spread awareness of how unaffordable this disease is to live with in many countries. Here in the USA many people go days with no insulin because of the cost and have no affordable health insurance.
Diabetes of both kinds does not care how healthy you, how much you work out, how much you do not deserve the diagnosis. I did not do ANYTHING to obtain type 1 Diabetes and many with type 2 also did not do ANYTHING to obtain their diagnosis.  Both types are forced to be the subject to many hurtful jokes and a whole lot of incorrect knowledge of their disease even by medical professionals.  Both types are like hidden diseases because you "look healthy" but inside we fight every single moment of every single day. Trying to be a pancreas is nearly impossible and it is incredibly exhausting and unless you have it its impossible to understand.  What we deserve and want is better understanding and compassion for what we deal with every day and for no more mean "DIABEETUS" jokes and memes.  We have feelings and we  hate this disease and we know what our future complications may be.  Please spare us the story of your relative who went blind/kidney failure/lost a leg/went into a coma.  We get it, we got it, we understand the hand we were delt.  We are worthy of affordable health care and we as a group deserve affordable insulin.  Next time you hear someone making fun of Diabetes, do me a favor and tell them its not funny as is any lifelong disease.  We need to stop the Diabetes stigma and turn it into better understanding and compassion.

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