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Saturday, May 12, 2018

I am still fighting Metformin G.I. side effects

I am still trying the Metformin and still having bouts of g.i. issues.  I think I have been on twice daily 500mg dose for 2 weeks. Whew I think I'm past the g.i. effects and then BAM 430 A.M. my bowels are attempting to see how hard they can cramp before I die.
Holy shit I hate bowel cramps! I finally just took 2 Immodium after 8 hours of on and off cramping and then finally cramps so bad I couldnt stand. I laid on the floor curled in a ball in the living room with my 2 kids.  The immodium finally stopped the cramps after an hour. Jeesh.

I am really hoping this stops soon.  I was going to go up to 1000mg twice daily in a couple weeks but now I am rethinking that idea. I think Ill stay at my current dose for 2 months.

I am just exhausted now from all the cramping, horrible pain and pooping!

Heres to hoping it stops after today!  Fingers crossed.


  1. It is unfortunate that one has to suffer because of the side effects of the same medicine that has been employed as a remedy for the suffering of a human being. I sympathize with Rick Phillips as I pray that he gets well soon. Thank you very much


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