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Thursday, May 3, 2018

Got my third replacement tandem x2 insulin pump.

I just got my third replacement tandem x2 pump in the mail the other day.  I still have to do the tedious work of  copying down settings into the new one.

My first x2 could not get and keep Dexcom signal.  Now the 2nd one keeps freaking out and saying I have an invalid transmitter id. 
Which is incorrect because it works on my Android and there is no paired receiver and it is not even on.  I did a shut down and got a new transmitter from Tandem.  Still doing the same thing, invalid transmitter i.d.

So even though it is driving me a little crazy to have it do this I understand it is a mechanical and electronic device and they do fail.  I typically have the worst of luck so I fully expect things like this to happen to me.  I also still love #TandemDiabetesCare and do not plan on switching pump companies any time soon.  Im holding hope and faith in the upcoming closed loop with Dexcom.  Ive been wearing a #Dexcom for 7 years this December. 


  1. These are sophisticated little machines. But darn I wish they were more resilient.

  2. Mine is doing this. I just got my g6 today. I can’t find an answer to why it’s doing this. Can anyone help me?


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