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Thursday, May 3, 2018

Still using my legs for pumps site with success

So I am using the areas all around my knees for insulin pump infusion sites.  They are working with varying success.  Some places hurt like heck or get in the way constantly.  Inside the knee area doesnt work well for side sleeping or leg crossing and I do both.

I have tried up higher on my thigh and it always hurts too much by day 2 and I have to pull it.

Right now I have it on the outside of my knee and up a little ways up. Im on day three and for sure need to move it as it hurts.

I am glad to finally find some new areas to stick my pump infusion set in.  My flanks and love handle area needs a break desperately.  Im going to have to have liposuction to get rid of the excess fat buildup there.  I have been unable to lose this insulin built up fat, even down to 100 pounds it is still there.  I cannot maintain 100 pounds, I have to eat like a bird and that is nearly impossible. I get thinner everywhere but where I have injected insulin. 😣


  1. I have always had good luck on my legs. Well except for pulling my pants up. I have lost more pumps sites that way than I can count. I must be tough on the pull up. :)

    1. I have to use opsite flexifix on all my sites or they fall or are ripped off in a day.


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